Posts Tagged ‘HAIKU’

the pond

the pond

not a ripple here…
a heart does a somersault
here in the quiet

window view

window view.

window view


monday morning mist – –

sun lit coconut fronds shine

even thru the haze







all calm and quiet
until the seagulls flew in–
and quiet returns

blue jay

blue jay

a snipper blue jay
that cold morning in august – –
memories in print

still speechless

still speechless

lazy afternoon


lazy afternoon

in a golden shallow pond-

herons on tiptoes

saturday morning 2

saturday morning

night sleep extending–
morning comes without notice
by the river bank


gentle summer breeze
filtering thru pine needles-
hello, yesterday..


unwound crochet threads-

bright and helplessly tangled

in the  sewing  box