haiku # 02

haiku # 02.

haiku # 02

haiku # 02

haiku # 01

haiku # 01

the pond

the pond

not a ripple here…
a heart does a somersault
here in the quiet

like home

just like a painting

there’s this place i love
where i can be just myself
every saturday



a heart-shaped etching
symbol of love she once had
that time can’t erase



perching on a twig
baby birds and a mama – –
moonlit night bonding

sunset on its wings

sunset on its wings

rustling of the leaves
as the nightbird leaves its perch
sunset on its wings

3-second ripples

autumn colored leaf

a leaf fell down on
a pool reflecting the sky- –

  3-second ripples



smooth gliding sailboat – –
spired canvas sails quivering
in the sunset breeze